
Zhang Yiyang

Ceramic designer, independent ceramist 
In 2011, a graduated undergraduate of ceramic major from the China Academy of Fine Arts; 
In 2016, a graduated postgraduate of ceramic major from the China Academy of Fine Arts; 
In 2015, on-site creation at Pottery Forest in Shiga Prefecture, Japan; 
In 2016, on-site creation at Clayworks Pottery Center in Baltimore, US.

One Hanging On the Wall

Materials: ceramics

Designers are used to create a shape first, and then selecting materials to complete it accordingly. 
In Jingdezhen City, there are many examples of turning the mold with cheongsam, fruit and vegetables. 
However, the clay itself could have a shape on its own account. With the use of ceramic molds which are imitating the shape of clay, the clay is no longer the carrier to imitate the shape of other objects. Well, I’d like to preserve the fresh new looks of clay with the mold, and meanwhile create products ready for use.