Shangyi Chen
Founded in June 2016, YIWU Design Studio is mainly engaged in the study of metal weaving process. There were no characters in ancient times, Chinese people were used to tie rope knots to keep a record of events, “YIWU” is originated from such small rope knots. The world produces an array of items every day, whether there is such an item that arouses the warmth at the depths of heart, the one that rivals all the rest so far in your life and you could not go without. "Treasure" is what YIWU upholds for the concept of life.
“柔”这组作品是将铜从普世印象中的坚硬感变化为织物的柔软感的探索。 将极细的铜丝用钩针编织蕾丝的方式编织成织物。编织后的铜成柔软状,不再是 印象中金属的坚硬感。它柔软,轻盈,却又不失铜原本金属的韧性。一根钩针加 一卷铜丝线,便可以完成一物。于是就 有了“柔”这组作品的各种小物,来探 索铜织物的可能性。