
Huang Huizhen & Tang Weikun

Nadi/Huang Huizhen 

A product designer who navigates between the boundaries of design and art.

My creations always revolve around materials, with sustainability as the starting point. I deconstruct the production process or structure of materials and intervene in a certain link, using products/spaces as a medium to explore the forms and functions of "materials" beyond their value as "raw materials". Through this, I aim to provoke viewers or users to contemplate the "original identity" and "existing identity" of the materials.

Daniel/Tang Weikun 

Graphic Designer, Recycled Plastics project won the Shenzhen IMDA Gold Awards. 「Recycled Plastics System Design」 paper was selected for The leNS World Distributed Conference.

Founded in 2018, RESTUDIO is a design organization oriented towards research on materials. With materials being the first perspective, it pursues a three-dimensional and unique material and product experience by maintaining openness and creativity while incorporating a systematic and sustainable design approach.

Lomekwian Series · Spine



Lomekwian is a site located in Kenya, East Africa, where the oldest known primitive tool-type stone artifacts have been unearthed. Unlike other stone tool artifacts, Lomekwian exhibits a randomness in its stone tool morphology. The manufacturing method involves one stone being struck against another, resulting in fragmentation. These stone fragments possess cutting, slicing, and chiseling capabilities without requiring any artificial modification.

The Lomekwian technique exhibits strong intuition in the manufacturing process, inspiring us to contemplate how to use intuition more in designing products or "discovering" the functionality of a known form to "become" a product.

In this way, we aim to return to the inventive thinking of Lomekwian Technology and explore the discovery of naturally occurring forms that can be used as tools. By combining casting techniques, we intend to replicate the original natural forms while transforming the materials. This approach allows us to retain the functional potential of the natural forms while ensuring performance. Ultimately, we seek to bring back the imagination and creativity of the primitive era into modern life.