

Frank Chou, founder and creative director of Frank Chou Design Studio, is born to be interested in creativity and art. As a representative and independent designer with accumulation of working experience in Europe and maturity of design cognition, Frank Chou keeps capturing the essence of materials and objects, and creates elegant and significant design pieces. He has collaborated with renowned design brands home and abroad both as a designer and a strategic consultant.

Over the past years, Frank Chou was nominated for Designer of the Year by industry organizations and authoritative media, and awarded Rising Talent Awards China in 2019 Maison & Objet and SaloneSatellite Award during 2016 Milan Design Week. In 2021, Frank Chou was invited to be the first mainland Chinese designer for Louis Vuitton Objets Nomades. Meanwhile, Frank is the curator of Talents area in Design Shanghai and initiator of the public welfare Create Cures, which aims to promote the development of public health in a designer's way.

Frank Chou Design Studio is founded by Frank Chou in 2012 and now becomes a representative independent design studio in China, which has attracted the attention of professional media and industry at home and abroad. Led by Frank Chou, the studio manages to find a Chinese modern design expression which is also synchronizing with the international design. Each piece of design is in the appeal of expressing the pursuit to the freedom of design and needs of macro-design thinking in order to achieve a balance among the business, manufacturing, marketing and aesthetic considerations. At present, the studio business has covered product design, brand core planning, space design, brand consulting, curation and other fields.




Dialogue, hailing from a philosophy of harmonious coexistence between innovation and the natural world, aspires to create a piece that seamlessly integrates into daily life as an artwork. Its form, a reflective aluminum sculpture, transcends mere function, serving as both a mirror and a sculptural interior piece. Its abstract, evocative design, with its subtle reflections of space and its embrace of the human and material environment, imbues the surroundings with a living narrative, turning the space into a true, life-enhancing artwork that mirrors and enriches reality. Mirrors are often thin, almost negligible entities compared to their subjects they reflect. We aim to create an "other subject" that can converse, a living subject in its own right, engaging in a dialogue.

Incepted by the essence of a raw stone's cutting process, Dialogue reveres and preserves its raw texture, imbuing it with the patina of time. Each irregular, seemingly casual cut, captures the essence of nature's form and translates its power into a geometric and abstract dance. By eschewing elaborate ornamentation, Nova employs stark, raw lines to outline the unadorned contours of the natural world, allowing art to refine and reconstruct within the rigorous confines of craftsmanship.