
François Lafranca

1943 Born in San Carlo/Val Bavona CH 

1948-1960 Scooltime in Bienne 

1961 Return in his native valley 

1965 Open a workshop in Locarno for all the hand-printing technics.

1969 Start to produce and work with his one handmade paper.

1971 Artist book LE CATENE with text from Plinio Martini 

1973 Transforms an old sawmill into a papermill and sculptor’s workshop. 

1993 and 1996 Sojourn in New Zealand for the realization of big sculptures. 

1996 Artist book LES AFFLUENTS DU TEMPS 

2002 Artist book STEIN-GESTALT-SINN with text from Eugen Gomringer 

2008 Artist book LES OCÉAN DU CIEL with text from Zhuangzi


“庄子思想中谈论的空,无限与时间等概念,它们犹如一些感受,用简单的字句在我的创作中阐述。他的哲学是如此的强烈,深不可测,却又充满幽默,幻想,新奇,及隐喻。庄子的篇章是如此深深地吸引著我,冀望将来有一天能将它们融合于我的艺术创作中。”法兰索瓦拉凡卡说。 历经26年创作完成的“天池”作品是法兰索瓦 拉凡卡选取庄子逍遥游一篇,并利用几近绝迹的欧洲传统造纸技术与瑞士仅存的中国铅字及木版印刷技术的艺术创作。